Special Project on Cotton

(A project under NFSM)


High Density Planting System (HDPS)

High Density Planting System (HDPS) in Cotton (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu)

ICAR-CICR, Nagpur standardized 'High density Planting System' (HDPS) for cotton that has potential to realize high yields in rainfed farming systems. Under rainfed conditions for contemporary compact BG II hybrids, HDPS at 90 cm x 15 cm is better suited to shallow black soils and red soils. Canopy management is essential in HDPS method. Plant growth regulator sprays with mepiquat choride (PGR) reduced the internode distance and regulates plant height. Number of sprays generally range between 1-2 sprays and the third spray is need based depending on crop and environmental conditions. A complete package for HDPS method has been described in the HDPS brochure in different languages. More information is available in the HDPS Q & A manual which can be downloaded.

Practice Spacing (cm) Plant population/acre Seed rate/Acre (450 g packets) Soil
HDPS 90 x 15 29,629 6 Shallow soils, Red soils
Cotton seedlings under HDPS
HDPS field after earthing up at 55 days
Machine planting of cotton at higher seed rate using pneumatic planter




Sowing under HDPS with the aid of a) plastic pipe, b) nylon rope c) metallic chain
Spray of mepiquat chloride for growth regulation