Special Project on Cotton

(A project under NFSM)


Extra Long Staple (ELS)

Extra Long Staple (Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)

Demonstration of improved production technology of ELS cotton varieties/ hybrid in irrigated areas of Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Currently ELS cotton is grown in about 2 lakhs hectares in India mostly adopting interspecific Bt hybrids. The demand for textile product made out of ELS cotton is growing exponentially and the potential for value addition of products made out these cotton varieties is very high. Special focus on ELS cotton production in target area in value chain mode can generate renewed interest among farmers, boost production, availability and profitability for all stake holders. Improved production technology for ELS cotton involves selection of suitable cultivar and adoption of recommended package of production practices such as canopy, nutrient and pest/disese management. Detailed package of practices for ELS production in Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu has been prepared and can be downloaded.

Practice Spacing (cm) Plant population/acre Seed rate/Acre (450 g packets) Soil
ELS 90 x 45 9,880 3 Medium deep soils