Special Project on Cotton

(A project under NFSM)


Closer Spacing Planting System

Closer Spacing Planting System in Cotton (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu)

Semi-compact genotypes are recommended for planting in medium density (closer spacing) along with canopy management by PGR sprays (mepiquat chloride) or de-topping at 90 days. Spacing for closer spacing is 90 x 30 cm (3 x 1 feet) to give a plant population of 14400 per acre in medium deep soils.

Practice Spacing (cm) Plant population/acre Seed rate/Acre (450 g packets) Soil
Closer spacing 90 x 30 14,814 4 Medium deep to deep soils

Closer spacing can be taken up in medium deep, productive soils using semi-compact gentoypes in relatively assured/higher rainfall areas.

Canopy management is done similar to that in HDPS. PGR (mepiquat chloride) sprays are applied at 45, 65 and need based spray at 85-90 days as in HDPS. Also, canopy management can also be done manually by removing monopodial branches at 40-45 days after sowing and de-topping at about 90 days after sowing.

Manual canopy management

Canopy management is a set of mechanical or chemical practices employed over the cotton plant canopy aimed at changing the original growth pattern and architecture, thus making the plants more efficient in utilizing the growth resources-light, water, nutrients, ground space and ultimately making the crop more productive per unit area and time. Under HDPS, these practices are needed for curtailing excessive vegetative growth and retaining first formed bolls. The practices include

  • Reducing plant height and optimizing height to node ratio either by spray of growth regulators or by mechanical/manual de- topping (nipping or the removal of terminal portion prevent apical dominance and further vegetative growth)
  • Removal of unproductive vegetative branches (monopodia) and other plant parts to promote light penetration, improve aeration
  • Nipping of sympodial branches after the desired number of bolls are set

Under HDPS these practices are needed for curtailing excessive vegetative growth and retaining the first formed bolls.

Canopy management can be done manually using a secateurs/pruning shears or hand pruner or a knife blade.

Vegetative branches (monopods) are removed at 40-45 days stage. Crop height is terminated by de-topping the crop at around 90-100 cm height.

Manual removal of monopodial branch